Web Redesign for Obres i Construccions Celrà

We have carried out a complete web redesign to update OICC's website, with a more dynamic programming and a strategic work in terms of SEO positioning copy.

Custom Web Redesign for a Construction Company Website

With over three decades of experience, since 1992, OICC is a construction company that has consolidated its prestige in various fields of construction, covering industrial projects in various sectors, such as food, chemical, petrochemical, and logistics.
Their presence in the sector has stood out in numerous significant projects, mainly in the demarcation of Catalonia, although they have also carried out occasional interventions throughout Spain.

Taking into account the type of online presence required by a company of these characteristics, the redesign of the website is important to be completely tailored, highlighting all the values and quality of the company's services. 

Web Redesign as a Tool to Stand Out Among the Competition

In today's digital age, a company's website is often the first point of contact with potential customers. For this reason, maintaining an updated website design is essential.

Firstly, an updated web design reflects the professionalism and commitment of the company to innovation. Users tend to associate a modern and intuitive design with a company that is up to date with industry trends and emerging technologies. An outdated website can give an impression of neglect and lack of interest, which can damage the company's reputation.


disseny de pagina web a girona

Advantages of Web Redesign and Updated Layout

It is also important to consider that an updated design can improve the performance of the website in terms of loading speed and functionality. This not only contributes to a better user experience but can also positively influence search engine rankings (SEO). Search engines like Google prioritize pages that offer a good user experience, so a modern and efficient design can help the company achieve better online visibility.

If you want more information visit all our projects of website.